May 4, 2022 5:39 pm

Garrard 401 mounted to a 100-pound Classic MKII plinth, special veneer, for 12″ tonearm.

This mint condition Garrard 401 with strobe platter and working strobe light in mounted to a plinth veneered in what I call “Chocolate Chip Maple”, a freak of nature in which vines grew through a maple tree to create the effect you see here. It has my own design thrust plate which causes no wear on the bottom of the shaft and is also sonically superior to other market alternatives. It is rebuilt and with a new motor pulley to account for 120V. My Garrard rebuilds are DEAD quiet, and extremely dyna,mic and fast due to my philosophy of MAXIMUM TORQUE, which works to create far superior information-retrieval, speed and dynamics IF you can eliminate noise, which I do.

When properly rebuilt, Garrrards are very accurate tonally, with very tight and accurate bass and excellent imaging. This particular Garrard is built for 12″ tonearms, the last tonearm this one was matched to was a 12″ Reed 3P. Price is $6000 USD without tonearm.