November 29, 2016 3:38 pm

It sounds fantastic

Tony C., Ottawa, Canada

Hi Jean,

It has been a number of weeks since it was done and as far as I can tell there are no issues. The mod is working fine and everything sounds great. I’m not having any so called sticking or friction issues with mine. With a silk string and tapered finish on the head of the bolt, I can’t see how there would be an issue. My string seems to move freely when I apply force to it. For the past while now prior to a listening session I recheck the speed with my KAB speedstrobe (which I love) and it is spot on every time. The speed never seems to fluctuate.

As far as sound goes, it sounds fantastic. It seemed to transform my Ortofon Jubliee/VPI arm setup.  My Wyetech Labs 300B Sapphires never sounded so good and even my Graham Slee phono amp sounds good which I was about to give up hope on ever sounding good. All the PRAT that I know and love about my Lenco is all there but know there is even more. To my biggest surprise, the top end became smoother, sweeter sounding and more extended than before. I’m not sure how this is possible with this mod but I’m not going to try to understand why – I just know what I heard. Bass is the way I like it –  fast, deep and under control. The Sapphires are well know for their gorgeous midrange especially with female vocals and that has even improved. There seems to be more air around vocals and instruments. With every record I pull out I just love what I’m hearing.

All in all a very worthwhile upgrade. I recommend it for all proud Lenco owners. I believe this mod has made the most significant change for me sonically as far as upgrades go.

Thanks again,

